⚙️ Designed For 🧑‍🎨 Designed By 🗓️ Date 📃 Version
CloudFire Your Name 11 November 2021 1.0
📜 Component 🤔 What You Should Do 😎 Your Notes
🔐 Problems List your top three problems and how these problems are being solved today by existing alternatives - Sharing is time-consuming

Existing alternatives:

Early adopters: Parents with young kids | | 🎁 Unique Value Propositions | A single, clear, compelling message that states why you are different and worth paying attention to.

High-level concept → List your X for Y analogy (e.g. YouTube = Flickr for videos) | The fastest way to share your photos and videos.

High-level concept: Photo and video sharing without uploading. | | 🔑 Solutions | Outline a possible solution for each problem listed above | - Instant no-upload sharing

People costs: $40 * $65/hr → $10k/month | | 📈 Key Metrics | List the key numbers that tell you how your business is doing | - Sign-ups

<aside> 🎶 Chill to some Lo-fi tunes while working on your lean canvas



<aside> <img src="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/86b18666-341e-42a2-98ef-403f5969c91a/Logo_short.png" alt="https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/secure.notion-static.com/86b18666-341e-42a2-98ef-403f5969c91a/Logo_short.png" width="40px" /> Made by Raiu @ Notionjoy Leave a Review | Check out Notionjoy | Follow Me | Buy Me Coffee
